Many of the models are being upgraded to bring them into 2021 in general. Before much longer, 7 Days to Die will be passing into its Alpha 20, with Alpha 21 not too far behind it. Rather than having moved onto a beta format, the game remains in alpha despite so many years of patches and improvements. 44 Magnum is the strongest handgun the player can find, using the. Smith & Wesson Model 629 44 Magnum”, and is the only revolver in the game. They are found inside Working Stiffs Crates, can be purchased at Traders, and can rarely be found on Frozen Lumberjacks and Utility Worker Zombies. How many copies of 7 days to die have been sold?.When does the new version of 7 days to die come out?.What year does 7 Days to Die take place?.Where are the calipers in 7 Days to Die?.