This is Fallout 4’s leveling system, and it actually is important for how your character will work in the game. Here you’ll also get to decide how your first S.P.E.C.I.A.L. You will get a chance to change it once you exit Vault 111, so if you just want to get started, rush through this and fix it then. Thanks to the new dialogue system, you’ll actually be looking at your character’s face quite a bit, so make sure you like what you see before moving on. None of the appearance stuff will impact the game, so just make them look however you want them to. Here is where you’ll decide to play as a male or a female, and determine what that character will look like. To begin the game you’ll have to run through some quick story bits, and build your character. You can, of course, check out our other guides to get more in-depth info, but this will give just the basics to get you going. However, with the holidays coming up, and probably a whole lot of people taking their first steps into the Fallout 4 wasteland, we wanted to revisit the very beginning, giving you a straight beginner’s guide to Fallout 4.

We’ve done a whole lot of guides for Fallout 4, including one that give you tips for getting started.