The highest static bandit level is now 40. Adds two additional tiers of bandits and reavers similar to High-Level Enemies and SRCEO. Adds additional health and perks to unique named boss-type enemies. Only the highest tier of enemies are scaled to avoid conflicts with Skyrim's leveled list approach to enemy spawning. 80 – 1000 HP Skeevers will never be a thing. Variable level scaling is applied to enemies based on power and size in relation to the player. A link is also included in the Mod Features Summary section.

I've posted an article detailing the first of my new enemy classes in the article section.

As followers that specialize in abilities you don't may assist you in overcoming certain enemy types that counter you. Players who play with multiple followers will also benefit from this approach. The third aspect of Versus is the introduction of new enemy classes with abilities that challenge the player while remaining fair and solvable with smart tactics rather than just larger numbers. I've gone ahead and included some example bandit faces in the photos section. A neat side effect of this is that melee bandits no longer share appearances which is a great boon if you're using any spawn mod. Each new addition having been individually crafted for quality and fit. The bandit face pool has also been expanded from 276 faces to 830 faces. The second aspect of Versus is its overhaul of vanilla bandits and reavers, which have been expanded from 6 to 8 tiers. Lastly, Versus takes inspiration from SRCEO and Real Bosses in buffing unique bosses with health and perks. Versus is also respectful of vanilla encounter design by maintaining initial starting levels and stats for enemies, restricting scaling on summonable enemies, and only scaling the highest-tier variants of each enemy type. Variable enemy scaling avoids the pitfalls of Oblivion and the original High-Level Enemy scaling with this one simple change. While at the same time maintaining a sense of progression by limiting the growth of traditionally weaker enemy types.

The core of that vision is the new variable enemy scaling that aims to challenge even the highest leveled player. Inspired by mods such as High-Level Enemies and Heritage, Versus aims to give endgame enemies both visual and mechanical distinction.